About the author
Author of 'The Company Valuation Playbook', Charles Sunnucks, couples public and private equity experience, and has worked on both the buyside as a fund manager and sell-side in M&A advisory. He has a passion for understanding what makes a company tick, has lectured at The University of Cambridge, and made multiple TV appearances commenting on markets. University educated in China, he speaks fluent Chinese, and is both a Chartered Financial Analyst, and a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst.

Press Release Text
The Company Valuation Playbook: Calling All Investors! New Book Makes Company & Share Valuation a Walk in the Park
Written by highly regarded investor and fund manager, Charles Sunnucks, ‘The Company Valuation Playbook’ is a step-by-step, jargon free guide to valuing any company and its shares, with the goal of helping readers maximise their investments. Covering how to assess, project, price and profit – Sunnucks walks readers through placing a value on any company using nothing more than a computer, the internet, and common sense.
Charles Sunnucks
United Kingdom – Having managed hundreds of millions of pounds as a fund manager, and as a passionate investor, Charles Sunnucks knows first-hand how a company’s valuation is the fundamental first step to making a call on its suitability as an investment.
However, it’s also one of the most overlooked steps – and can literally cost investors millions.
In his new book, Sunnucks walks readers through each step of the company and share valuation process.
Synopsis of ‘The Company Valuation Playbook’:
Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft – great companies perhaps, but are they great investments? This book lifts the veil on how professionals go about valuing a company, bringing a technical subject to life in easy to understand steps. These principle methods can be applied to any company, no matter its size or industry, growth outlook or history.
1. Assess - Learn how to make objective qualitative and quantitative judgements on a company’s prospects
2. Project - Develop a simple single line forecast, or full excel nancial model (including an M&A/LBO/bank model)
3. Price – Discover how to apply intrinsic and relative valuation methods
4. Profit – Identify and act on opportunities, while avoiding behavioural biases
Using this complete guide will help you develop from beginner to professional, equipping you with the practical tools to make objective well informed investment choices.
“The book introduces readers, with no prior experience, to industry-standard tools used by the world’s leading companies, to value their shares,” explains the author. “You really need zero experience, just a computer – which I guarantee you already have! With my book, you’ll be able to apply an accurate valuation to any company, and deem its worth as an investment.”
Continuing, “It’s normal for excited potential investors to want to jump in and buy stock, but the real profit is made through prior research. My book provides a fast track to making sound, calculated decisions. Ultimately, you’ll profit better in the long run.”
Reviews have been positive. Stephen Pearson, CIO of Jupiter Asset Management writes, “Smart, methodical and Practical”.
Alexandra Altinger, CEO of J O Hambro Capital adds, “A must read for the aspiring investor”.
‘The Company Valuation Playbook’ is available now: https://www.companyvaluationplaybook.com/
About the Author:
Charles Sunnucks is a professional investor. A former fund manager at Jupiter Fund Management, he has lectured at The University of Cambridge, made multiple TV appearances commenting on markets, and actively co-managed a London stock exchange listed investment trust. University educated in China, he speaks fluent Chinese, and is both a Chartered Financial Analyst, and a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst.